



What is the replacement for a server control in ASP.NET MVC? What I want to do is to create a declarative and imperative binding so I can write

<cc1:MyControl Header="Some Header" Content="Some Content" />

which would mean that an instance of the MyControl class will be created and possibly rendered to

<h1>Some Header</h1>

I don't want any viewstate or postback crap, just the modularity. I also want these modules to be contained in a separate class library, so ViewUserControls will not do for me. Using a server controls in the normal way works, but it generates a form tag and a viewstate field, which I do not want if I can avoid it.

I have seen this question and this one about how to use server controls in ASP.NET MVC, but they do not provide enough answer.

Edit: I found the answer. When I added the user control using the designer, it automatically created a <form> which I missed. If I simply remove that tag, everything works perfectly.

+2  A: 

You can still use all controls in ASP.NET MVC if they don't require rendering in a server form.

ascx files and @Register directives still work pretty well. The great new thing is Html.RenderPartial method that lets you pass a model object to a partial view (ascx) and have it render accordingly.

Mehrdad Afshari
As the question says, my problem is that whenever I create a server control, the form gets rendered, which I do not want.
This is not true for all controls. That's the issue with the specific control, not ASP.NET MVC.
Mehrdad Afshari
The control I tested with is a blank control (I created a Server Control project and I'm testing with the default ServerControl1). How do I have to modify it to remove the view state?
I tested it and it doesn't generate any form tags or anything else whatsoever at runtime. There is, however, an issue with VS design view which creates a <form> tag when you drag a control to designer surface. You can easily remove the form tag in HTML mode.
Mehrdad Afshari

Just adding one more possibility to Mehrdad answer, you can use extension methods to do a simple control like this:

<%= html.MyControl( "Some header", "Some content" ) %>

<Extension()> _
Public Function MyControl(ByVal htmlHelper As HtmlHelper, _
                         ByVal Header As String, _
                         ByVal Content As String) As String

Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
sb.AppendFormat("<h1>{0}</h1>", Header)
sb.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</p>", Content)
Return sb.ToString()
End Function

Or you can make a more complex control like this example: Create an ASP.NET MVC GridView Helper Method

Eduardo Molteni
Sorry, it's too simple. I want my users to be able to use the VS2008 designer.

Other than the controls which still work with ASP.Net MVC, you can use mvc controls.
Repeater example
Exploring ASP.Net MVC Futures
