I wrote a linked list implementation for my java class earlier this year. This is a generic class called LList. We now have to write out the merge sort algorithm for a lab. Instead of creating a new List implementation that takes Ints, I decided to just reuse the generic list I had created before.
The problem is how do I compare two generic objects? java wont let me do something like
if(first.headNode.data > second.headNode.data)
So, my question is, is their a way to implement some sort of comparison function that will work on any type of data? I tried the following:
String one, two;
one = first.headNode.data.toString();
two = second.headNode.data.toString();
if(first.headNode.data.compareTo(second.headNode.data) < 0) {
// remove head node. remove() takes care of list size.
} else {
// If compareTo returns 0 or higher, second.headNode is lower or
// equal to first.headNode. So it's safe to update the result
// list
Which wont even work properly. I tested with the numbers 6 and 12, the above adds 12 to the result list.
Relevant stuff:
private LList<T> mergeSort(LList<T> list) {
LList<T> first = new LList();
LList<T> second = new LList();
if (list.length() == 1) {
return list;
int middle = list.length() / 2;
second.headNode = list.getNodeAt(middle + 1);
second.length = list.length() - (middle);
// Set first half to full list, then remove the "second" half.
first.headNode = list.headNode;
first.length = middle;
first.getNodeAt(middle).next = null;
// Get the splitted halves.
first = mergeSort(first);
second = mergeSort(second);
return merge(first, second);
private LList<T> merge(LList<T> first, LList<T> second) {
LList<T> result = new LList();
while((first.length > 0) && (second.length > 0)) {
// Ok, lets force toString to compare stuff since generics are a pain.
String one, two;
one = first.headNode.data.toString();
two = second.headNode.data.toString();
if(one.compareTo(two)) < 0) {
// remove head node. remove() takes care of list size.
} else {
// If compareTo returns 0 or higher, second.headNode is lower or
// equal to first.headNode. So it's safe to update the result
// list
return result;
NOTE: entire LList class can be located here: http://rapidshare.com/files/219112739/LList.java.html MD5: BDA8217D0756CC171032FDBDE1539478