I've just started learning how to use pygame yesterday. I was read this one book that was super helpful and followed all its tutorials and examples and stuff. I wanted to try making a really simple side scroller/platforming game but the book sorta jumped pretty fast into 3D modeling with out instructing how to make changing sprites for movement of up down left and right and how to cycle through animating images.
I've spent all today trying to get a sprite to display and be able to move around with up down left and right. But because of the simple script it uses a static image and refuses to change.
Can anyone give me some knowledge on how to change the sprites. Or send me to a tutorial that does?
Every reference and person experimenting with it ha always been using generated shapes so I'm never able to work with them.
Any help is very appreciated.
Added: before figuring out how to place complex animations in my scene I'd like to know how I can make my 'player' change to unmoving images in regards to my pressing up down left or right. maybe diagonal if people know its something really complicated.
Add: This is what I've put together so far. http://animania1.ca/ShowFriends/dev/dirmove.rar would there be a possibility of making the direction/action set the column of the action and have the little column setting code also make it cycle down in a loop to do the animation? (or would that be a gross miss use of efficiency?)