



I have a fairly large Rails app, which uses memcached on a seperate server as its cache store.

The problem is that I randomly get errors in the production environment which seem to indicate that memcached is returning an incorrect object.


In this example, current_site is a helper method which accesses a method on the Site model that uses Rails.cache to cache the model

ActionView::TemplateError in ListingsController#edit
undefined method `settings' for #<String:0xb565f8a0>

On line #12 of app/views/layouts/site.html.erb

    9:         <meta name="robots" content="noodp, all" />
    10:         <meta name="distribution" content="Global" />
    12:         <% unless current_site.settings[:google_webmaster_verification_code].blank? %>
    13:         <meta name="verify-v1" content="<%= current_site.settings[:google_webmaster_verification_code] %>" />
    14:         <% end %>

contrasted with....

ActionView::TemplateError in ApplicationController#not_found
undefined method `settings' for #<Category:0xd5c6c34>

On line #12 of app/views/layouts/site.html.erb

    9:         <meta name="robots" content="noodp, all" />
    10:         <meta name="distribution" content="Global" />
    12:         <% unless current_site.settings[:google_webmaster_verification_code].blank? %>
    13:         <meta name="verify-v1" content="<%= current_site.settings[:google_webmaster_verification_code] %>" />
    14:         <% end %>

When both should be returning a Site model!

Another example of cache behaving strangely:

ActionView::TemplateError in AccountsController#show
can't convert Category into String

On line #141 of app/views/layouts/site.html.erb

    138:        <li<%=  class="first" if i == 0 %>><%= link_to top_level_category.title, top_level_category.path %></li><% end %>
    139:       </ul>
    140:      <% end %>
    141:      <% cache bottom_pages do %>
    142:       <ul><%, :include => :slugs).each_with_index do |top_level_page, i| %>
    143:        <li<%=  class="first" if i == 0 %>><%= link_to top_level_page.title, top_level_page.path %></li><% end %>
    144:       </ul>

Has anyone encountered something like this before? Anyone have thoughts on diagnosing this unreplicable problem!? I've tried switching out memcached client gems, thinking maybe it was a weird bug, but this didn't have any effect! Thanks.

+1  A: 

A few things that might help:

  • Add instrumentation/logging to current_site to see exactly what is being returned.
  • How are you specifying keys in memcache? You could accidentally be using the same key in two different places for two different objects.
  • Use memcached-tool host:port dump > /tmp/keys to look at what's actually in your memcache.
  • Your memcached is behind a firewall and not exposed on a public IP, right?
Don Werve
1) Done, verifies that this is indeed what's happening.2) Double checked, not true3) Did this, but not exactly sure how this is helpful?4) CorrectThanks!
Wait until you see the odd behavior, and then look at what `memcached-tool host:port dump` spits out, to see if it even *has* the 'phantom' data... if not, the problem lies somewhere outside of memcahce. Beyond that, I've no idea...
Don Werve
+2  A: 

This was being caused by Passenger sharing its connection to the Memcached server. Check

The fix was simply to change Passenger's Rails spawn to conservative.

THANK YOU! This has been driving me mad for the last couple of days.
Pete Hodgson

Yes, I've had this happen. With me, it was because I was doing Rails.cache.fetch(key) and key was blank.

I've done some playing around in the Rails console and with the following: validkey # Get back the proper data

Rails.cache.fetch('') { 'abc' } # Error in rails log: 'MemCacheError ():' validkey # Get back nil validkey # May get back proper data

Rick Tessner

We have a similar problem, unfortunately changing Passenger's Rails spawn to conservative does not help :( It's driving me crazy, it's totally random! Ideas?

ok - nailed it. Everything is here: (take a good look at :expires_in => part)