Hi, below is some code I am using to "translate" a map array into SQL code so I can easily update my database when I have updated my game map. As you can see it prints out the SQL code onto the screen so I can copy and paste it.
As my maps will get bigger this will become inefficient as it will crash the browser due to mass output, so instead I am wondering if it is possible to make it create a .txt file and write all of the data to it instead of printing onto the screen?
if (isset($_POST['code'])){
$map = $_POST['code'];
$map = preg_replace("/,\\s*}/i", "}", $map);
$map = str_replace("{", "[", $map);
$map = str_replace("}", "]", $map);
$map = json_decode('[' . $map . ']');
$arrayCount1 = 0;
$arrayCount2 = -1;
$H = sprintf('%05d', 00000);
$V = sprintf('%05d', 00000);
$id = 1;
echo "INSERT INTO `map` (`id`, `horizontal`, `verticle`, `image`) VALUES" . "<br />";
for ($count1 = 0; $count1 < sizeof($map[0]); $count1++){
$arrayCount1 = 0;
$V = sprintf('%05d', $V + 1);
$H = sprintf('%05d', 00000);
for ($count2 = 0; $count2 < sizeof($map); $count2++){
echo "(" . $id . ", '" . $H . "', '" . $V . "', '" . $map[$arrayCount1][$arrayCount2] . "')," . "<br />";
$H = sprintf('%05d', $H + 1);