I'm been a PHP developer for quite some time now but until today I've not found a simple way to process (aka normalize, sanitize, validate, populate and display forms and it's respective field errors).
I know that most of the PHP frameworks nowadays make this job easier but somehow I don't feel like porting all my code to one of these frameworks, and I can't quite understand how the form validation is implemented in Django for instance (I know, it's Python but I really like their approach), so I though the best way would for me to post here the way I process a simple form and maybe you guys can point me in the best direction.
// sample controller
class _sample extends framework
// sample action
function contact()
if ($this->Is->Post() === true)
$errors = array();
if ($this->Is->Set($_POST['name']) === false)
$errors['name'] = 'Please fill in your name.';
if (($this->Is->Email($_POST['email']) === false) || ($this->Is->Set($_POST['email']) === false))
$errors['email'] = 'Please fill in your email address.';
if (($this->Is->Phone($_POST['contact']) === false) && ($this->Is->Mobile($_POST['contact']) === false))
$errors['contact'] = 'Please fill in your phone (or cell phone) number.';
if ($this->Is->Set($_POST['message']) === false)
$errors['message'] = 'Please type a message';
// no errors, it's valid!
if (empty($errors) === true)
// do stuff and redirect to "success" / "thank you" page
// load the form view, and let it display the errors
// automatically prefill fields with $_POST values
$this->View('contact_form', $errors);
// load the form view for the first time
As you can see, this is supposed to be a simple contact form however it takes the life out of me to validate it, I have been looking into some design patterns (Observer, Factory) but I do not feel confident if and in what way I should implement them.