




Hi I want to show a distribution of marks for students in a class. But the problem is that I can adjust scale to the number of students.

This is an example of the code i'm trying

http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? chs=450x150 &cht=lc &chd=t:4,2,1,1,3 &chxt=x,y &chxr=0,0,80| 1,0,12,1 &chxt=x,y &chxl=0:|FL(0%-39%)|3rd(40%-49%)|2.2(50%-59%)|2.1(60%-69%)|1st(>70%) &chxp=0,40,50,60,70|

In this example the number of students are 12, but the scale of the graph is still the same(100) even though I have changed the y-axis to 12. How can I change the scale of the graph? Say example if 6 students failed, the left most part of the line should atleast come to the middle.

Thanks in advance, sorry for the trouble.