Make sure you compact and repair the database regularly, especially if the database application experiences frequent record updates, deletions and insertions. Not only will this keep the size of the database file down to the minimum - which will help speed up database operations and network communications - it performs database housekeeping, too, which is of even greater benefit to the stability of your data. But before you compact the database, make sure that you make a backup of the file, just in case something goes wrong with the compaction.
Jet compacts a database to reorganize the content within the file so that each 4 KB "page" (2KB for Access 95/97) of space allotted for data, tables, or indexes is located in a contiguous area. Jet recovers the space from records marked as deleted and rewrites the records in each table in primary key order, like a clustered index. This will make your db's read/write ops faster.
Jet also updates the table statistics during compaction. This includes identifying the number of records in each table, which will allow Jet to use the most optimal method to scan for records, either by using the indexes or by using a full table scan when there are few records. After compaction, run each stored query so that Jet re-optimizes it using these updated table statistics, which can improve query performance.
Access 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007 combine the compaction with a repair operation if it's needed. The repair process:
1 - Cleans up incomplete transactions
2 - Compares data in system tables with data in actual tables, queries and indexes and repairs the mistakes
3 - Repairs very simple data structure mistakes, such as lost pointers to multi-page records (which isn't always successful and is why "repair" doesn't always work to save a corrupted Access database)
4 - Replaces missing information about a VBA project's structure
5 - Replaces missing information needed to open a form, report and module
6 - Repairs simple object structure mistakes in forms, reports, and modules
The bad things that can happen if the users never compact/repair the db is that it will become slow due to bloat, and it may become unstable - meaning corrupted.