



My server is currently hosting a php site. This site uses ssl for certain pages already. Now I am transitioning over to rails, and all my new rails apps go into a subfolder. Passenger is setup and and my app works great. One problem, If i try to go to these pages using ssl, I get a 404 error. Apparently apache is looking for the literal folder instead of handing it off to Passenger as it normally does. What am I missing?

+2  A: 

Apache for the SSL (port 443) site is probably not set up for Passenger in the same way as for the "normal" (port 80) site.

Bert Lamb
I'm gonna put money on this too. Make it listen on 443 as well as 80.
Ryan Bigg
Ive tried that, but it seems that apache isn't using mod_rails when https is used. Even when I specify a virtualhost for 443. Iam completely baffled, and I need this to work.