So I've got two models, State and Acquisition. State has_many Acquisitions. I felt like an autoincrementing integer primary key for 51 records was rather silly. So I altered the model for the State to be the PK (State being the two letter abbreviation; I'm not storing the actual state name anywhere:
class State < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = "state"
has_many :acquisition_histories
The problem is when I created my Acquisition model, it created the foreign key column state_id as an integer. More specifically, the script/generated migration did:
class CreateAcquisitions < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :acquisitions do |t| :date
t.string :category
t.text :notes
t.references :state
I'm assuming that t.references data type sets it to int. The problem is my create method on my Acquisition class is trying to put a state abbreviation into the state_id field on the table acquisitions (and yes, it's called state_id on the database, even though it says :state in the migration script). The method doesn't fail, but it does put a 0 in the state_id field and the records go into the ether.