Which Java book do you think is the must-have one for all Java developers?
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Which Java book do you think is the must-have one for all Java developers?
Keep in mind:
Effective Java, Second Edition by Joshua Bloch. No question.
If every Java developer read this book, there would be a lot less broken code in the world.
After that, I'd read Java Concurrency in Practice (see separate answer), and maybe Java Generics and Collections (see separate answer). Anyone that reads and puts into practice the information in these three books has come a long way toward mastering Java.
Comments from duplicate "Effective Java" answers:
sammyo: It's a thin(!!) volume that focuses on real issues and how to think about the right approach to java problems. (as opposed to a listing of API methods)
Hans Doggen: First edition of Effective Java and then the second edition, to see some of the ideas that changed over time.
O'Reilly's Java in a Nutshell is a good book for both tutorials and reference.
Agile Java: Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development is what got me started on Test-Driven Development. It helped me a lot both learning TDD and Java at the same time.
Filthy Rich Clients, by Chet Haase and Romain Guy. Those guys are Swing ninjas.
Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel
Comments from duplicate answers:
prash: Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel is a great book for beginners and teaches you not only the "What"s and "How"s of Java but also the "Why"s. It is available as a free download at the above link.
Michael Easter: It is an introduction and yet discusses the background behind Generics, Swing, elementary threading, and a large metaphor for Java NIO. It is a massive work that covers the range from beginner to expert. There are other books that are better for experts but would be wasted on novices.
Nobody has mentioned Dietel & Dietel's How to Program Java . I love these books, especially for their exercises.
First edition of Effective Java and then the second edition, to see some of the ideas that changed over time.
Java Threads by Scott Oaks. An excellent introduction to this difficult but important topic.
The Java Class Libraries by Chan Lee.
This started as a single volume, then was published as two, and who knows how it will evolve, however it is the Bible when writing Java. It's similar to but better than the online documentation.
Caution: You already have to know how to think in the object world - this isn't a beginners text, though it's an essential reference for beginners.
Java Puzzlers is another great one by Joshua Bloch (with Neal Gafter).
The entire content of the book is just small Java applications that are quirky enough that they don't necessarily behave how you might immediately think.
Java Generics and Collections by Maurice Naftalin & Philip Wadler. Philip Wadler is one of Java generics grandfather. Java is close enough to C++ that it wasn't a big deal at all for me to switch over, that was until I started using Generics. This book is a gold mine of info.
Core Java Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Cay S. Horstmann.
Hard to read but very informative and without excess words. These books cover every aspect in Java SE. But this book will be a little hard for beginners IMO.
Head First Design Patterns - not necessarily a pure Java book, but essential for every Java developers who designs his applications himself.
Everyone should read Effective Java once.
Thinking in Java is a good intro for transitioning programmers.
The best Java book I've read in the last 5 years was Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz
Java Language Specification (also freely available online) is great if you want to get deeper into the semantics of Java language.
(Links and comments above merged from a duplicate answer by folone.)
Refactoring by Martin Fowler
Especially the chapter about Bad Smells in Code should be understood by everyone.
Java Programming Language is a good way to learn Java. I would highly recommend it.
Learning Java has really helped me get up-to-speed.
And Hardcore Java is an incredible follow-on for intermediate Java developers.
Java Web Services Architecture published in 2003 by Morgan Kaufman
Also not really a Java only book, but one that would lead to less ugly Java code: Eric Evans -- "Domain-Driven Design". Read it and go tackle that complexity!
In my undergrad days I referred to " Java: A Framework for Program Design and Data Structures", Second Edition, by Kenneth Lambert, Martin Osborne . I has a lot of analysis on solving many standard problems and also demonstrates the design and implementation of various model classes to solve them.
I think tha java tutorials from Sun's website...you learn from the designer-implementor of the language.:)
no ones said the elements of java style yet which i think is an awesome little book.
Sam's Teach Yourself Java 6 in 21 Days is a great book. Great for someone completely new to programming
When it comes to multithreading, Java Concurrency in Practice is the choice.
If you want to understand, how it all works, The Java Virtual Machine Specification (also freely available online) is the book for you.
Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns http://java.sun.com/docs/books/cp/
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java by Robert Lafore. Nice book.
Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Gary Mak. Great book and fast read.
The Art and Science of Java is the best Java book I have ever read.
Also, thanks to the others users for giving such a wide range of books.
My personal favorites are: Art & Science of Java, Head First Java and Thinking in Java.