




My idea here is to use Views module with customized block type.

Maria Shaldybina
+1  A: 

There is a basic comparison of sitemap modules at http://groups.drupal.org/node/15980

I have used sitemenu and it worked for my needs, but the real answer depends on how you structure your site with taxonomy, content types, etc.

+1  A: 

Something like Auto Menu might work for you here as well. You could simply add the menu it generates to a footer block on your front page.

Craig Hyatt
Unfortunately Auto Menu is not available for Drupal 6 :(
Ngu Soon Hui
+2  A: 

I had the same problem, after trying a module (site-map) but missing customization options I wrote a custom module. Took less time then messing with the site-map module, for just getting a site map the following code is enough (adapt your-menu):

function sitemap_render_menu ($menu) {
    $output = "<ul>";
    foreach ($menu as $item) {
 $link = $item["link"];
 if ($link["hidden"]) {

 $output .= "<li><a href=\"" . check_url(url($link["href"], $link["options"])) . "\">" . $link["title"] . "</a></li>";

 if ($item["below"]) {
     $output .= sitemap_render_menu($item["below"]);

    $output .= "</ul>";
    return $output;

function sitemap_content () {
    $output = "<h1>Sitemap</h1>";
    $output .= "<span id=\"sitemap\">";
    $output .= sitemap_render_menu(menu_tree_all_data("your-menu"));
    $output .= "</span>";
    return $output;

function sitemap_menu () {
    $items = array();

    $items["sitemap"] = array (
     "title" => "Sitemap",
     "page callback" => "sitemap_content",
     "access arguments" => array("access content"),
     "type" => MENU_CALLBACK);

    return $items;
Elmar Weber

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