
Use a <table>, they are the best for side-by-side alignments in my experience

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It actually was <table>, however with all the trends around changing tables to divs I though I might follow the crowd and switched it to tabless (as one of the tags for the question implies) :)
That wouldn't be semantically correct as there's no tabular data to be displayed.
Why fight the system? Tables are the best when it comes to side by side alignment in web pages. I know it shouldn't be this way, but that's just the way it is. See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/591539/forms-can-they-be-done-without-tables
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Dont use a table! i often use an unordered list for long forms. but here 2 divs may work. Make sure that for accessibility you have the Ara: marked up as a <label> and you associate it with the input field

make sure that you have reset the default padding and margin for the items before expressing yours.

#box label, #box input {margin:0;padding:0;}
Thanks for the thumbs up!
+2  A: 

Some content here 2

What's that content? Your example works as-is, so it's something in the content itself that causes the issue.

Does it perhaps include a form, as it looks like on the shot?

<form> has a default top/bottom margin, and how vertical margins collapse is a matter of some confusion and browser differences (it's usually best avoided if possible). So the mini-reset rule:

form { margin: 0; }

may help.

Works like a charm!!! Thanks a lot!