Since this is wide community using all kind of different technologies, it seems like appropriate place to ask this.
Do you like to compile or do you prefer scripting?
I ask this because I tend to program things in small scripting languages with chosen modules I actually need (like Lua, Awk, AutoHotKey ... ) instead of mainstream languages with full blown non-portable IDEs and big one-size-fits-all libraries where every little change require to load and recompile the project.
I like the ability that the only tool I actually need to change/fix/update the project is any editor available on any system I happen to run the script (and of course, the interpreter which is single executable that I can either carry with me or download it instantly from Internet and just save it on disk without any kind of installation procedure).
I also feel good to know that anybody wanting to update the project doesn't require anything else but the editor - no notorious compilation issues, dependency problems etc., and that anybody that doesn't like the button I put there, can open the file and put it wherever he wants or even delete it in a matter of minutes.
I ask this because I noticed that there are some programmers that tend to think that anything that isn't native executable isn't good enough. I even remember one post on the forum where I keep one of my open source applications - another programmer said "Good app, but it isn't .exe"