



Hi guys,

I know of etexteditor and vim/emacs.

Are there any other windows editors which have textmate-like snippets support (eg. you write trigger word, press tab, it changes to something, you press tab again, and it changes to first stop, you can then enter something there and it will change on several other places according to snippet defined) ? I know it's a little weird explanation, but you probably know what I mean.

+2  A: 

Redcar, written in Ruby, was just released, but it's not polished by any means.

Apart from that, I don't know of any.

Ben Alpert
+2  A: 

jEdit will do something similar if you use the SuperAbbrevs plugin.

+2  A: 

Visual Studio will do this, but it's nowhere near as nice as textmate / e.

Orion Edwards
+2  A: 

I don't use windows but whilst searching for a alternative for linux I came across e-texteditor.

+2  A: 

You can look into using an application independent of your IDE, to expand snippets.

I have a lorem ipsum snippet; one that contains my URL, my email, and so on, but you could also make snippets that contain code.

Applications: Textexpander for Mac, Typinator for Mac, Texter for Windows (no experience with the last one, so don't know if it's any good)

+3  A: 

InType could "someday" become what you're looking for, at least the alphas are promising. Sadly, a release version of InType is still far from being ready (see blog and forums).

Update: Currently, I'm using Sublime Text, another great editor: fully Python-scriptable and snippets support.

+2  A: 

Komodo Edit and Komodo IDE both support this, although TextMate is arguably a bit more refined and polished in this area. Komodo Edit is free, however, and compares very favorably against the likes of InType and E for Windows.

+2  A: 

You can use the snipMate plugin for vim - I use it and it works great
