I want to drop a table but it is referenced by one or more other tables. How can I find out which tables are referencing this table without having to look at each of the tables in the database one by one?
Use Toad to load it up and you can view the references through the diagram. also make sure that you don't have any app code passing sql from the front-end, dropping the table may cause the app to break.
Download link http://www.toadsoft.com/toadmysql/FreewareDownload.htm
If you are using innoDB try this one SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM yourdatabasename LIKE 'T' http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/show-table-status.html
2009-04-16 02:21:52
I'm using Linux so the tool you suggest will not work.
2009-04-16 02:40:54
If you are using innoDB try this oneSHOW TABLE STATUS FROM yourdatabasename LIKE 'T' http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/show-table-status.html
2009-04-16 02:55:22
select table_name
from information_schema.referential_constraints
where referenced_table_name = 'parent table here';
Michael Buen
2009-04-16 02:38:25