I am trying to find a solution (that does not use javascript) to this problem:
I have a master page that includes a navigation menu. Each item in that menu is an action.
When the user selects that action and goes to that view I want to highlight that item in the nav menu to indicate to the user what they are currently viewing.
I could add an action name to a base view model (deriving all my other view models off that) but wonder if there is a nicer way.
(I can already see that a couple of complexities creep in when this is MVC. For a given action any number of different views could be returned, so all of those views would need to highlight the same action in the nav menu. OK).
P.S. I just noticed that stackoverflow does something similar with the orange highlight on the menu above. I see they are marking with the class "youarehere". What approach did they take I wonder...