I read a lot about tagging in CakePHP but I can't find a "clean" way to save a Post and the Tags to this post. I have all which is necessary the Post Table, Model and Controller, the Tag table, Model and Controller and the posts_tags table. I created the HABTM Associations in the Post and the Tag Model.
If I want to save a new post, I want that CakePHP automagically saves the tags associated to that post, but I can't find the right way for that. In most of the tutorials you have to use a "helper" Function (http://www.jamesfairhurst.co.uk/posts/view/full_cakephp_application_part_5 => "_parse_genres") or something like that, but I thought the deal with CakePHP is it, that this is all done by Cake once you set it up right.
So my question, is there a "clean"-Cake-way to do it, or do I have to use a helper function?