My automated deployment system updates a latest version of my site trough subversion. Instead of having my live site point to the trunk (which is always almost a work in progress version), I have my live site point to a tag.
E.g. I work on trunk and when my v1.0 is finished I create a tag called 1.0 and do a checkout of that tag which is then my live site. Now, I keep working on trunk and after a while there is a v2.0. I create a tag called 2.0 and I want my live site to resemble this 2.0 tag.
I could wipe the current live site and do a checkout of this 2.0 tag. Which sounds easy enough, however. My site is about 1GB is size because it has all kinds of PDF documents and video in it. I can safely say that most of the time I do updates it will be copy changes or bug fixes. This means that maybe only 1% of my site changes per update. And since my version control is only accessable to my webserver through on off site http connection it would mean that I need to download that whole site over and over again.
Is there an easy way to switch between tags and have subversion only update the differences between those tags?