I look for a possibility to create pseudo-cronjobs as I cannot use the real jobs on UNIX.
Since Python scripts can run for an unlimited period, I thought Python would be a great solution.
On Google App Engine you can set up Python scripts and it's free. So I should use the App Engine.
The App Engine allows 160,000 external URL accesses (right?) so you should have 160000/31/24/60 = 3,6 accesses per minute.
So my script would be:
import time
import urllib
while time.clock() < 86400:
# execute pseudo-cronjob file and then wait 60 seconds
content = urllib.urlopen('http://www.example.org/cronjob_file.php').read()
Unfortunately, I have no possibility to test the script, so my questions are: 1) Do you think this would work? 2) Is it allowed (Google TOS) to use the service for such an activity? 3) Is my calculation for the URL accesses per minute right?
Thanks in advance!