




This is 2009, back in 2001 or so, there used to be no good bindings for sound playback in ruby.

Has there been a change? I am looking for something to control playback of either raw sound or mp3, ogg and flac. My Googling has turned up dry.

Edit: Linux, OSX and if possible Windows.

+3  A: 

You don't mention a platform. This page describes the win32-sound library, which seems to support at least WAV playback.

For a more platform-neutral way, Ruby/SDL provides bindings for the ever-popular SDL library.

That's true I didn't. I had found the win32-sound library but it's rather horrid. Also, windows support is not very pressing. I'm more interested in Linux and OSX, but I don't want to be too hasty in removing Windows. Thank you for your help.
Adam Luter
I took a quick look at how SDL does playback and it probably will work out. I had initially overlooked it because it is such a large library. Thank you unwind.
Adam Luter
rubygame is another useful SDL binding :)