I will give a try here with answer from many
Alex and Nick :
$imagesDir = 'path/to/your/images/';
$images = glob($imagesDir . '*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
echo json_encode($images);
and from mattoc (modify) to get used for the supersized
jQuery.each(images, function() {
jQuery('#imagelist').append('<img src="'+this+'"/>');
and hope to get something like that at the end !
<div id="supersize">
<img src="images/001.jpg"/>
<img src="images/002.jpg"/>
<img src="images/003.jpg"/>
for the final piece of code, i will have to find a solution to send image to supersize plugin "one by one" with preloading without problem with bug list of images
Let supposed i get 150 images list... it will be a problem, so letting the plugin just know there is 2 images, preload the next and "ajax" change the next image
image001.jpg is display
... preload image002.jpg
display image002.jpg
... preload image003.jpg
on and on and on....
all this dynamicly until the end of the array !