



I've a request to make some changes to a little applet that currently use a JFileChooser.
One of the main complaints is that the file chooser is a pain in the ass to use because it behaves differently than the native widget, especially for navigating up to the root level.

So, knowing that and all the other issue JFileChooser suffer (like the zip file caching on windows...), I was wondering that a viable alternative exists in the java world.

Of course, there is SWT that use the native widget, but increasing the applet size by 25 is not really an option. So, is there a better pure java implementation of a file chooser?

+3  A: 

The AWT FileDialog actually does use the native component, but as with most AWT vs. Swing issues, it's much less flexible and customizable than Swing's JFileChooser. So there's a tradeoff: JFileChooser may have a clunky user interface, but it's usually better for most purposes. If you really want your file choosing dialogs to look and feel like the native ones, though, then you can go with FileDialog.


As @htw said use FileDialog if the look and feel is your main concern. By using FileDialog be aware that there a lots of convenience methods that you won't be able to use...

I used VFSJFileChooser few times. It doesn't suffer from the JFileChooser bugs(slow to load because of zip files, windows only), but the interface is not "native".

+2  A: 

You can also try XFileDialog. Haven't tried it much yet but looks worth evaluating.

Wow, it looks to be exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

I know this is a little late, but it may help other users. You can customize the UI of an application to the UI of the OS:

try {
    } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();     }