Here's a quick implementation you can use for inspiration. This implementation disregards the order of files in the input Array.
I've updated the solution to save the entire path as you required.
dirs = ['file1', 'dir1/file2', 'dir1/subdir1/file3', 'dir1/subdir1/file5']
tree = {}
dirs.each do |path|
current = tree
path.split("/").inject("") do |sub_path,dir|
sub_path = File.join(sub_path, dir)
current[sub_path] ||= {}
current = current[sub_path]
def print_tree(prefix, node)
puts "#{prefix}<ul>"
node.each_pair do |path, subtree|
puts "#{prefix} <li>[#{path[1..-1]}] #{File.basename(path)}</li>"
print_tree(prefix + " ", subtree) unless subtree.empty?
puts "#{prefix}</ul>"
print_tree "", tree
This code will produce properly indented HTML like your example. But since Hashes in Ruby (1.8.6) aren't ordered the order of the files can't be guaranteed.
The output produced will look like this:
<li>[dir1] dir1</li>
<li>[dir1/subdir1] subdir1</li>
<li>[dir1/subdir1/file3] file3</li>
<li>[dir1/subdir1/file5] file5</li>
<li>[dir1/file2] file2</li>
<li>[file1] file1</li>
I hope this serves as an example of how you can get both the path and the filename.