



I'm loading a string of HTML into a UIWebView through loadHTMLString. It produces a very long webpage. Once that string is loaded, I need to navigate to an HTML anchor tag with its "name" attribute set. In the HTML, I might have:

//3 pages of text here
<a name="go here"></a> lots more text here
//another 3 pages of text here

I need the webpage to scroll down to "go here" once loaded. The mappings work fine if a user clicks a link inside of the webpage and it loads an external URL. But in this case, I need to initially scroll down an already loaded webpage.

I can still execute javascript like this:

[MyWebView loadHTMLString:dataString baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; 
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"javascriptFunc('param1');"];

But I need something similar for navigating to the anchor tag. Any suggestions?

+1  A: 

If I'm not mistaken, just add #go%20here to the end of the URL

EDIT: ahh you mean already loaded. Is it really out of the question to just do reload the page? The browser should have cached most of it anyways...

Neil N
Nope. Don't want to reload. If I use the javascript method above with this value location.hash="#myAnchor", it works fine. Add to the UIWebView's webViewDidFinishLoad.
+1  A: 

you can jump to an anchor in an already loaded HTML file by doing:

[webview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: @"window.location.hash='#foo'"];

this will do the jump, sans animation.

edward de jong