




What is the Groovy equivalent of the following Perl code?

my $txt = "abc : groovy : def";
if ($txt =~ / : (.+?) : /) {
  my $match = $1;
  print "MATCH=$match\n"; 
  # should print "MATCH=groovy\n"

I know that TMTOWTDI (including the regular Java way) - but what is the "Groovy way" of doing it?

This is one way of doing it, but it feels a bit clumsy - especially the array notation (m[0][1]) which feels a bit strange. Is there a better way do it? If not - please describe the logic behind m[0][1].

def txt = "java : groovy : grails"
if ((m = txt =~ / : (.+?) :/)) {
  def match = m[0][1]
  println "MATCH=$match"
+1  A: 

The "groovy way" is documented on their wiki.

Personally, I find such syntax to be overly arcane, and would just use standard Java.

Please see my clarification.

This is my best understanding of how to do this using Groovy syntax (but see lfaraone's response too):

import java.util.regex.Matcher

def txt = 'abc : groovy : def'
if (txt =~ ~/ : (.+?) : /) {
    def match = Matcher.lastMatcher[0][1]
    println "MATCH=$match"
Chris Jester-Young
Thanks for your reply! I think your code will fail with an IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no match. I edited my post before I saw your reply - so you might want to revisit your post. Please see the stuff about the m[0][1] notation.
Thanks, I've updated my answer. Also, a Matcher in Java can have multiple matches. (Think of the /g flag for Perl matches.) The first index allows you to specify the match you care about.
Chris Jester-Young

This was the closest match to the Perl code that I could achieve:

def txt = "abc : groovy : def"
if ((m = txt =~ / : (.+?) : /)) {
  def match = m.group(1)
  println "MATCH=$match"
+2  A: 

m[0] is the first match object.
m[0][0] is everything that matched in this match.
m[0][1] is the first capture in this match.
m[0][2] is the second capture in this match.

Based on what I have read (I don't program in Groovy or have a copy handy), given

def m = "barbaz" =~ /(ba)([rz])/;

m[0][0] will be "bar"
m[0][1] will be "ba"
m[0][2] will be "r"
m[1][0] will be "baz"
m[1][1] will be "ba"
m[1][2] will be "z"

I could stand not knowing if I was right or not, so I downloaded groovy and wrote an example:

def m = "barbaz" =~ /(ba)([rz])/;

println "m[0][0] " + m[0][0]
println "m[0][1] " + m[0][1]
println "m[0][2] " + m[0][2]
println "m[1][0] " + m[1][0]
println "m[1][1] " + m[1][1]
println "m[1][2] " + m[1][2]
Chas. Owens
Thanks for your reply. Could you give an example on when there could be multiple match objects (m[1])?