



Has anyone ran across any good Powerpoint presentations on how to securely develop a web application in Ruby?

+3  A: 

Peepcode has a PDF book on Rails security - it's $9 but they have a free preview. I've bought a bunch of screencasts from these folks, and they have been great.

Sarah Mei
+3  A: 

Rory McCune is a security consultant and Rails developer who gave a presentation on this topic at Scotland on Rails. You can view the slides online. Rory blogs about the topic too.

John Topley
+3  A: 

Check out the Ruby on Rails Security Project. The offer a free book about this topic.

And of course you should read the Ruby On Rails Security Guide.

+1  A: 

The Ruby Security book was joint developed as an OWASP project

It would be good to have more security related materials at OWASP

Dinis Cruz

The video for Rory's Scotland on Rails presentation is also online here
