




On my https web site, how can I display images from a web site without a certificate?

I own the example domain of:
- http://www.example.com
- http://static.example.com (used for my CDN)

I own a certificate for WWW.example.com but not STATIC.example.com.

On my www.example.com domain, you can register for the service over SSL using http*s*://www.example.com

On the registration form (www.), I want to display images from my CDN which is on http://STATIC.example.com but don't own a certificate for that subdomain.

On the https://www.example.com registration form - I'm using AJAX to dynamically pull over the image from http://static.example.com. It seems that the web browser does not display non-SSL images at all when using AJAX. However, IF that image were located on the httpS://www.example.com domain (the same as the registration form), the image will display via AJAX.

For architecture & design reasons, I would like to keep those images on my CDN (static.example.com) without having to purchase a certificate.

Does anyone know how I can display these images via AJAX from my non-SSL submain on my http*s*://www.example domain?

Thanks in advance.

+3  A: 

Just like you would include an https image:

<img src="http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif" />

Some browsers might complain to the user, though, that you're loading insecure resources for a secure page. Nothing you can do about that.

Jaka Jančar
When using AJAX, browser don't get the opportunity to complain since the image is being dynamically loaded ... instead, the browser simply doesn't display the image. Which is the entire question, any way around this behavior?
"Which is the entire question", heh... It wasn't until you completely changed it.
Jaka Jančar
+2  A: 

There is no way to do this without a certificate for static.example.com that will not trigger a security warning or prompt in some browsers (particularly Internet Explorer).

GoDaddy sells SSL certificates for $30ish. I'd say spring for the little bit of cash.

+1  A: 

To extend @Jaka Jančar's answer, do you NEED to download the images via AJAX? You can replace the AJAX call with this: add an IMG element dynamically.

function load_image_instead_of_ajax_call(dom_parent_element,image_url) {
    var img = document.createElement('img');
    img.onload = your_success_callback_function;
    img.onerror = your_error_callback_function;
    img.src = image_url;

This way, your image resource gets loaded, with a proper callback on success/error.

Some browsers may complain that your page contains both http and https content, but it is not very common (this seems to be off by default in most browsers).
