


+14  A: 

This is very similar to the Knight's Tour problem which relates moving a knight around a chess board without revisiting the same square. Basically it's the same problem but with different "Traverse Rules".

The key optimisation I remember from tackling the Knights Tour recursively is take your next moves in increasing order of the number of available moves on the destination square. This encourages the search to try and move densely in one area and filling it rather than zooming all over the board and leaving little island squares that can never be visited. (This is Warnsdorff's algorithm.)

Also make sure you have considered symmetry where you can. For example, at the simplest level the x and y of your starting square only need to go up to 5 since (10,10) is the same as (1,1) with the board rotated.

Dave Webb
+1 beat me to it, good to see some people actually know these classics :)
Robert Gould
Thanks for the insight, so this problem is not "out of space" anymore :)
I said to take next moves "in increasing order of the number of available moves on the destination square". So that's means the squares lowest number of available moves first, which is the same as less accessibility isn't it?
Dave Webb
It indeed is, yes. Sorry for the bother
There's some amazing Knight's Tours out there. e.g. -- a few guys, back in the 19th century, figured out semimagic knights tours (if you give each position a number, starting from 1, then all the columns and rows have the same sum). Without computers!
John Fouhy
+5  A: 

This is just an example of the problem. German wikipedia claims that it is NP-hard.

Just because a general problem is NP-Complete doesn't mean that every sub-class of the problem is NP-complete.This is a sufficiently restricted model that it might be solvable.
Brian Postow
Followup to Brian's comment: And what I look for is if this problem could be solved somehow by capturing/exploiting any domain knowledge or any programming practice.
@Brian: this is not a subclass of the Hamiltonian cycle (or Traveling Salesman, if you prefer) - it's just an instance with constraints. It's still NP-Hard, no matter what the constraints are. It may be solvable with low enough constraints, but that doesn't change its complexity classification.
Ben Collins
@Brian. It surely is solveable, given enough (*cough*) computing power. NP-hard doesn't mean "impossible".BTW: The subclass of the Hamiltonion path problem that consists solely of the 10x10 square puzzle (i.e. contains only one specific instance of the problem) is not NP-hard. In fact, it's O(1).
Furthermore, the subclass that consists of fully connected graphs is O(n). The subclass of an NP-hard problem can be an easy special case.
David Thornley
+1  A: 

An optimization can me made to check for islands (i.e. non-visited spaces with no valid neighbors.) and back out of the traverse until the island is eliminated. This would occur near the "cheap" side of a certain tree traverse. I guess the question is if the reduction is worth the expense.

Good point, though I have this basic elimination in my code already: If a move would cause a neighbor an island (as the islands could only be created by a move) then that move is eliminated and no further search is made. So, there's no need to search for islands in the whole grid, just checking for the neighbors in vicinity when making a move is sufficient.
Right. Just out of jump distance.
+9  A: 

I decided to look at the problem and see if I could break it into 5x5 solutions with the ending of a solution one jump away from the corner of another.

First assumption was that 5x5 is solvable. It is and fast.

So I ran solve(0,5) and looked at the results. I drew a 10x10 numbered grid in Excel with a 5x5 numbered grid for translation. Then I just searched the results for #] (ending cells) that would be a jump away from the start of the next 5x5. (ex. for the first square, I searched for "13]".)

For reference:

10 x 10 grid                       5 x 5 grid 
 0  1  2  3  4 |  5  6  7  8  9     0  1  2  3  4
10 11 12 13 14 | 15 16 17 18 19     5  6  7  8  9
20 21 22 23 24 | 25 26 27 28 29    10 11 12 13 14
30 31 32 33 34 | 35 36 37 38 39    15 16 17 18 19
40 41 42 43 44 | 45 46 47 48 49    20 21 22 23 24
50 51 52 53 54 | 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 | 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73 74 | 75 76 77 78 79
80 81 82 83 84 | 85 86 87 88 89
90 91 92 93 94 | 95 96 97 98 99

Here is a possible solution:

First square: [0, 15, 7, 19, 16, 1, 4, 12, 20, 23, 8, 5, 17, 2, 10, 22, 14, 11, 3, 18, 6, 9, 24, 21, 13] puts it a diagonal jump up to 5 (in 10x10) the first corner of the next 5 x 5.

Second Square: [0, 12, 24, 21, 6, 9, 17, 2, 14, 22, 7, 15, 18, 3, 11, 23, 20, 5, 8, 16, 19, 4, 1, 13, 10] puts it with last square of 25 in the 10x10, which is two jumps away from 55.

Third Square: [0, 12, 24, 21, 6, 9, 17, 5, 20, 23, 8, 16, 19, 4, 1, 13, 10, 2, 14, 11, 3, 18, 15, 7, 22] puts it with last square of 97 in the 10x10, which is two jumps away from 94.

Fourth Square can be any valid solution, because end point doesn't matter. However, the mapping of the solution from 5x5 to 10x10 is harder, as the square is starting on the opposite corner. Instead of translating, ran solve(24,5) and picked one at random: [24, 9, 6, 21, 13, 10, 2, 17, 5, 20, 23, 8, 16, 1, 4, 12, 0, 15, 18, 3, 11, 14, 22, 7, 19]

This should be possible to all do programatically, now that 5x5 solutions are know to be valid with endpoints legal moves to the next 5x5 corner. Number of 5x5 solutions was 552, which means storing the solutions for further calculation and remapping is pretty easy.

Unless I did this wrong, this gives you one possible solution (defined above 5x5 solutions as one through four respectively):

def trans5(i, col5, row5):
    if i < 5: return 5 * col5 + 50 * row5 + i
    if i < 10: return 5 + 5 * col5 + 50 * row5 + i
    if i < 15: return 10 + 5 * col5 + 50 * row5 + i
    if i < 20: return 15 + 5 * col5 + 50 * row5 + i
    if i < 25: return 20 + 5 * col5 + 50 * row5 + i

>>> [trans5(i, 0, 0) for i in one] + [trans5(i, 1, 0) for i in two] + [trans5(i, 0, 1) for i in three] + [trans5(i, 1, 1) for i in four]
    [0, 30, 12, 34, 31, 1, 4, 22, 40, 43, 13, 10, 32, 2, 20, 42, 24, 21, 3, 33, 11, 14, 44, 41, 23, 5, 27, 49, 46, 16, 19, 37, 7, 29, 47, 17, 35, 38, 8, 26, 48, 45, 15, 18, 36, 39, 9, 6, 28, 25, 50, 72, 94, 91, 61, 64, 82, 60, 90, 93, 63, 81, 84, 54, 51, 73, 70, 52, 74, 71, 53, 83, 80, 62, 92, 99, 69, 66, 96, 78, 75, 57, 87, 65, 95, 98, 68, 86, 56, 59, 77, 55, 85, 88, 58, 76, 79, 97, 67, 89]

Can some one double check the methodology? I think this is a valid solution and method of breaking up the problem.

This method is not complete (meaning that you cannot guarantee to find a solution if there is one) but it should be sound (meaning if you find a solution it really is one) imho. So if the Question was just to find one solution and this method worked -> good job. If you want to find all solutions, you are out of luck.
Right. My intent was to find a solution, because I believe the complete solution list to be quite large. Also, my restriction of starting the next 5x5 on a corner is artificial and not really required. This simply made it easier because the initial solve was started on the corner.
Great approach to slice the problem like this and follow a bottom up approach. Thanks for introducing a different point of view.
This is exactly what I did years ago, when trying to optimise a M68k assembly program that ran too long in my Sinclair QL trying to solve the Knight's problem on a 10×10 board, and it was the first thought that came to mind when reading the question; however, Joe came here first :)
+1  A: 

I wanted to see if I could write a program that would come up with all possible solutions.

#! /usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;

  package Grid;
  use Scalar::Util qw'reftype';

  sub new{
    my($class,$width,$height) = @_;
    $width  ||= 10;
    $height ||= $width;

    my $self = bless [], $class;

    for( my $x = 0; $x < $width; $x++ ){
      for( my $y = 0; $y < $height; $y++ ){
        $self->[$x][$y] = undef;

    for( my $x = 0; $x < $width; $x++ ){
      for( my $y = 0; $y < $height; $y++ ){
        $self->[$x][$y] = Grid::Elem->new($self,$x,$y);;

    return $self;

  sub elem{
    my($self,$x,$y) = @_;
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    if( @_ == 2 and reftype($x) eq 'ARRAY' ){
      ($x,$y) = (@$x);
    die "Attempted to use undefined var" unless defined $x and defined $y;
    my $return = $self->[$x][$y];
    die unless $return;
    return $return;

  sub done{
    my($self) = @_;
    for my $col (@$self){
      for my $item (@$col){
        return 0 unless $item->visit(undef);
    return 1;

  sub reset{
    my($self) = @_;
    for my $col (@$self){
      for my $item (@$col){

  sub width{
    my($self) = @_;
    return scalar @$self;

  sub height{
    my($self) = @_;
    return scalar @{$self->[0]};
  package Grid::Elem;
  use Scalar::Util 'weaken';

  use overload qw(
    "" stringify
    eq equal
    == equal

  my %dir = (
    #       x, y
    n  => [ 0, 2],
    s  => [ 0,-2],
    e  => [ 2, 0],
    w  => [-2, 0],

    ne => [ 1, 1],
    nw => [-1, 1],

    se => [ 1,-1],
    sw => [-1,-1],

  sub new{
    my($class,$parent,$x,$y) = @_;
    weaken $parent;
    my $self = bless {
      parent => $parent,
      pos    => [$x,$y]
    }, $class;


    return $self;

  sub _init_possible{
    my($self) = @_;
    my $parent = $self->parent;
    my $width  = $parent->width;
    my $height = $parent->height;
    my($x,$y)  = $self->pos;

    my @return;
    for my $dir ( keys %dir ){
      my($xd,$yd) = @{$dir{$dir}};
      my $x = $x + $xd;
      my $y = $y + $yd;

      next if $y < 0 or $height <= $y;
      next if $x < 0 or $width  <= $x;

      push @return, $dir;
      $self->{$dir} = [$x,$y];
    return  @return if wantarray;
    return \@return;

  sub list_possible{
    my($self) = @_;
    return unless defined wantarray;

    # only return keys which are
    my @return = grep {
      $dir{$_} and defined $self->{$_}
    } keys %$self;

    return  @return if wantarray;
    return \@return;

  sub parent{
    my($self) = @_;
    return $self->{parent};

  sub pos{
    my($self) = @_;
    my @pos = @{$self->{pos}};
    return @pos if wantarray;
    return \@pos;

  sub visit{
    my($self,$v) = @_;
    my $return = $self->{visit} || 0;

    $v = 1 if @_ == 1;
    $self->{visit} = $v?1:0 if defined $v;

    return $return;

  sub all_neighbors{
    my($self) = @_;
    return $self->neighbor( $self->list_possible );
  sub neighbor{
    my($self,@n) = @_;
    return unless defined wantarray;
    return unless @n;

    @n = map { exists $dir{$_} ? $_ : undef } @n;

    my $parent = $self->parent;

    my @return = map {
      $parent->elem($self->{$_}) if defined $_
    } @n;

    if( @n == 1){
      my($return) = @return;
      #die unless defined $return;
      return $return;
    return  @return if wantarray;
    return \@return;

    for my $dir ( qw'n ne e se s sw w nw' ){
      no strict 'refs';
      *$dir = sub{
        my($self) = @_;
        my($return) = $self->neighbor($dir);
        die unless $return;
        return $return;

  sub stringify{
    my($self) = @_;
    my($x,$y) = $self->pos;
    return "($x,$y)";

  sub equal{
    my($l,$r) = @_;
    "$l" eq "$r";

  sub reset{
    my($self) = @_;
    delete $self->{visit};
    return $self;

# Main code block
  my $grid = Grid->new();

  my $start = $grid->elem(0,0);
  my $dest  = $grid->elem(-1,-1);

  my @all = solve($start,$dest);
  #say @$_ for @all;
  say STDERR scalar @all;

sub solve{
  my($current,$dest,$return,@stack) = @_;
  $return = [] unless $return;
  my %visit;
  $visit{$_} = 1 for @stack;

  die if $visit{$current};

  push @stack, $current->stringify;

  if( $dest == $current ){
    say @stack;

    push @$return, [@stack];

  my @possible = $current->all_neighbors;
  @possible = grep{
    ! $visit{$_}
  } @possible;

  for my $next ( @possible ){

  return @$return if wantarray;
  return  $return;

This program came up with more than 100,000 possible solutions before it was terminated. I sent STDOUT to a file, and it was more than 200 MB.

Brad Gilbert
+5  A: 

Eventually, I have come up with the modified Python code to overcome the problem. I've tun the code for a couple of hours and it has already found half a million solutions in a couple of hours.
The full set of solutions still require a total exhaustive search, i.e. to let the program run until it finishes with all combinations. However, reaching "a" legitimate solution can be reduced to "linear time".

First, things I have learned:

  1. Thanks to Dave Webb's answer and ammoQ's answer. The problem is indeed an extension of Hamiltonian Path problem as it is NP-Hard. There is no "easy" solution to begin with. There is a famous riddle of Knight's Tour which is simply the same problem with a different size of board/grid and different traverse-rules. There are many things said and done to elaborate the problem and methodologies and algorithms have been devised.

  2. Thanks to Joe's answer. The problem can be approached in a bottom-up sense and can be sliced down to solvable sub-problems. Solved sub-problems can be connected in an entry-exit point notion (one's exit point can be connected to one other's entry point) so that the main problem could be solved as a constitution of smaller scale problems. This approach is sound and practical but not complete, though. It can not guarantee to find an answer if it exists.

Upon exhaustive brute-force search, here are key points I have developed on the code:

  • Warnsdorff's algorithm: This algorithm is the key point to reach to a handy number of solutions in a quick way. It simply states that, you should pick your next move to the "least accessible" place and populate your "to go" list with ascending order or accesibility. Least accessible place means the place with least number of possible following moves.

    Below is the pseudocode (from Wikipedia):

Some definitions:

  • A position Q is accessible from a position P if P can move to Q by a single knight's move, and Q has not yet been visited.
  • The accessibility of a position P is the number of positions accessible from P.


set P to be a random initial position on the board mark the board at P with the move number "1" for each move number from 2 to the number of squares on the board, let S be the set of positions accessible from the input position set P to be the position in S with minimum accessibility mark the board at P with the current move number return the marked board -- each square will be marked with the move number on which it is visited.

  • Checking for islands: A nice exploit of domain knowledge here proved to be handy. If a move (unless it is the last one) would cause any of its neighbors to become an island, i.e. not accessible by any other, then that branch is no longer investigated. Saves considerable amount of time (very roughly 25%) combined with Warnsdorff's algorithm.

And here is my code in Python which solves the riddle (to an acceptable degree considering that the problem is NP-Hard). The code is easy to understand as I consider myself at beginner level in Python. The comments are straightforward in explaining the implementation. Solutions can be displayed on a simple grid by a basic GUI (guidelines in the code).

# Solve square puzzle
import operator

class Node:
# Here is how the squares are defined
    def __init__(self, ID, base):
        self.posx = ID % base
        self.posy = ID / base
        self.base = base
    def isValidNode(self, posx, posy):
        return (0<=posx<self.base and 0<=posy<self.base)

    def getNeighbors(self):
        neighbors = []
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx + 3, self.posy): neighbors.append(self.posx + 3 + self.posy*self.base)
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx + 2, self.posy + 2): neighbors.append(self.posx + 2 + (self.posy+2)*self.base)
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx, self.posy + 3): neighbors.append(self.posx + (self.posy+3)*self.base)
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx - 2, self.posy + 2): neighbors.append(self.posx - 2 + (self.posy+2)*self.base)
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx - 3, self.posy): neighbors.append(self.posx - 3 + self.posy*self.base)
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx - 2, self.posy - 2): neighbors.append(self.posx - 2 + (self.posy-2)*self.base)
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx, self.posy - 3): neighbors.append(self.posx + (self.posy-3)*self.base)
        if self.isValidNode(self.posx + 2, self.posy - 2): neighbors.append(self.posx + 2 + (self.posy-2)*self.base)
        return neighbors

# the nodes go like this:
# 0 => bottom left
# (base-1) => bottom right
# base*(base-1) => top left
# base**2 -1 => top right
def solve(start_nodeID, base):
    all_nodes = []
    #Traverse list is the list to keep track of which moves are made (the id numbers of nodes in a list)
    traverse_list = [start_nodeID]
    for i in range(0, base**2): all_nodes.append(Node(i, base))
    togo = dict()
    #Togo is a dictionary with (nodeID:[list of neighbors]) tuples
    togo[start_nodeID] = all_nodes[start_nodeID].getNeighbors()
    solution_count = 0

        # The search is exhausted
        if not traverse_list:
            print "Somehow, the search tree is exhausted and you have reached the divine salvation."
            print "Number of solutions:" + str(solution_count)

        # Get the next node to hop
            current_node_ID = togo[traverse_list[-1]].pop(0)
        except IndexError:
            del togo[traverse_list.pop()]

        # end condition check
        if(len(traverse_list) == base**2):
            #OMG, a solution is found
            #print traverse_list
            solution_count += 1
            #Print solution count at a steady rate
            if(solution_count%100 == 0): 
                print solution_count
                # The solution list can be returned (to visualize the solution in a simple GUI)
                #return traverse_list

        # get valid neighbors
        valid_neighbor_IDs = []
        candidate_neighbor_IDs = all_nodes[current_node_ID].getNeighbors()
        valid_neighbor_IDs = filter(lambda id: not id in traverse_list, candidate_neighbor_IDs)

        # if no valid neighbors, take a step back
        if not valid_neighbor_IDs:

        # if there exists a neighbor which is accessible only through the current node (island)
        # and it is not the last one to go, the situation is not promising; so just eliminate that
        stuck_check = True
        if len(traverse_list) != base**2-1 and any(not filter(lambda id: not id in traverse_list, all_nodes[n].getNeighbors()) for n in valid_neighbor_IDs): stuck_check = False

        # if stuck
        if not stuck_check:

        # sort the neighbors according to accessibility (the least accessible first)
        neighbors_ncount = []
        for neighbor in valid_neighbor_IDs:
            candidate_nn = all_nodes[neighbor].getNeighbors()
            valid_nn = [id for id in candidate_nn if not id in traverse_list]
        n_dic = dict(zip(valid_neighbor_IDs, neighbors_ncount))
        sorted_ndic = sorted(n_dic.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

        sorted_valid_neighbor_IDs = []
        for (node, ncount) in sorted_ndic: sorted_valid_neighbor_IDs.append(node)

        # if current node does have valid neighbors, add them to the front of togo list
        # in a sorted way
        togo[current_node_ID] = sorted_valid_neighbor_IDs

# To display a solution simply
def drawGUI(size, solution):
    # GUI Code (If you can call it a GUI, though)
    import Tkinter
    root = Tkinter.Tk()
    canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(root, width=size*20, height=size*20)
    #canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, size*20, size*20)

    for x in range(0, size*20, 20):
        canvas.create_line(x, 0, x, size*20)
        canvas.create_line(0, x, size*20, x)

    cnt = 1
    for el in solution:
        canvas.create_text((el % size)*20 + 4,(el / size)*20 + 4,text=str(cnt), anchor=Tkinter.NW)
        cnt += 1

print('Start of run')

# it is the moment
solve(0, 10)

#Optional, to draw a returned solution
#drawGUI(10, solve(0, 10))

raw_input('End of Run...')

Thanks to all everybody sharing their knowledge and ideas.


You could count the number of solutions exactly with a sweep-line dynamic programming algorithm.
