Hello together,
I would like to realise a monitor window that reports the user about ongoing computations. To do so I wrote a little class. But as I would like to use it accross different modules in an easy fashion I thought to implement it with classmethods. This allows to use it in the following way without instances:
from MonitorModule import Monitor
Also, if I use it in an other module, the output of Monitor.write() within other_module.py will be displayed in the same window.
This I can import in each module to redirect specific outputs to the same monitor. I got it to work except one little thing that I don't understand. I can't close the Monitor-window with the specific handler that I wrote. I could do it with the non-classmethod-way but not with the handler as a classmethod.
Look at the code:
import Tkinter
class Monitor_non_classmothod_way(object):
def __init__(self):
self.mw = Tkinter.Tk()
self.mw.title("Messages by NeuronSimulation")
self.text = Tkinter.Text(self.mw, width = 80, height = 30)
self.mw.protocol(name="WM_DELETE_WINDOW", func=self.handler)
self.is_mw = True
def write(self, s):
if self.is_mw:
self.text.insert(Tkinter.END, str(s) + "\n")
print str(s)
def handler(self):
self.is_mw = False
class Monitor(object):
def write(cls, s):
if cls.is_mw:
cls.text.insert(Tkinter.END, str(s) + "\n")
print str(s)
def handler(cls):
cls.is_mw = False
mw = Tkinter.Tk()
mw.title("Messages by NeuronSimulation")
text = Tkinter.Text(mw, width = 80, height = 30)
mw.protocol(name="WM_DELETE_WINDOW", func=handler)
close = handler
is_mw = True
a = Monitor_non_classmothod_way()
a.write("Hello Monitor one!")
# click the close button: it works
b = Monitor()
Monitor.write("Hello Monitor two!")
# click the close button: it DOESN'T work, BUT:
# >>> Monitor.close()
# works...
So, the classmethod seems to work and also seems to be accessible in the right way! Any idea, what went wrong, that it doesn't work with the button?
Cheers, Philipp