I have looked at the following, but they aren't clear, particularly the reference to DataMapper and gem dependencies.
all I want as an outcome is to be able to take my @user.email value that is in a |do| loop and display a gravatar where identicon is set to "y" -- in other words, those cute seemingly random drawings!
But when I look at what is available, it isn't clear what to do -- particularly the references to DataMapper and gem dependencies.
I am playing around with this but wanted to get feedback from others before diving too deep!
I installed woods gravatar plugin:
http://github.com/woods/gravatar-plugin/tree/master which is the same as the one referred below...however, I get an error when I type in:
<%= gravatar_for @user %>
The error is:
undefined method `gravatar_for' for #<ActionView::Base:0x474ddf4>