




How do I get countifs to select all non-blank cells? I have two other criterions, so using counta alone is not an option.

Using istext makes the result give 0, always. Excel gives an error when using <>"" as criteria.

+3  A: 

Use a criteria of "<>". It will count anything which isn't an empty cell, including #NAME? or #DIV/0!. As to why it works, damned if I know, but Excel seems to understand it.

I tried that myself and found out it works, but as you also point out - it makes no sense why excel accepts it.I had to add another criterion to avoid the 0's that my vlookups show.

If you are using multiple criteria, and want to count the number of non-blank cells in a particular column, you probably want to look at DCOUNTA.


  A   B   C   D  E   F   G
1 Dog Cat Cow    Dog Cat
2 x   1          x   1
3 x   2 
4 x   1   nb     Result:
5 x   2   nb     1

Formula in E5: =DCOUNTA(A1:C5,"Cow",E1:F2)

This is a much better option than the accepted answer. Why you'd use a Vlookup with IF's is beyond me when you want to count. Dcount is your friend. Still if you like large chunky formulas use the other answer.
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