when trying to log-in at this site (user:polopolo,pass:samara) the result is a blank page. I know that the problem is with the sending of headers and the *ouput_buffering* in the php.ini file. I had the same problem on another host but the problem was fixed when I changed *output_buffering= On*. It doesn't work on the current host and I wonder why? Any suggestions?
-the phpinfo of the current site.
Edit: Problem solved. I reverse-engineered the code and found some additional spaces after the php closing tag, before the sending of the headers. The code wasn't written by me and I instinctively ignored this option as the whole system worked already on another server. But my colleague did some changes I was unaware of...The lesson learned: teamwork is important and don't let anybody do the thinking for you. Still it is a mystery to me how come after trying everything to display errors and especially the "Cannot modify headers" they didn't display properly. I did everything you advised me to do- display errors, log them and so on...anyway thanks.