




I saved this VBScript script to my local machine as c:\test.vbs:

WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "This is a test"

When I run it from the command line, I get this error:

Windows Script Host
Script: C:\test.vbs
Line:   1
Char:   1
Error:  The handle is invalid. 
Code:   80070006
Source:     (null)


I get this under Windows Vista (SP1) and Windows XP Pro (SP3).

+9  A: 

This link may help you:


It appears that the handle StdOut is only available when using a console host (cscript.exe) and not a windowed host (wscript.exe). If you want the code to work, you have to use cscript.exe to run it.

The post also describes how to change default behavior to run scripts with cscript and not wscript.

Scott M.
+1  A: 

As described by the article in the accepted answer, my script worked when I called it from the command prompt like this:

cscript test.vbs

You can also change the default script host, so that a call to cscript is not necessary every single time. After doing that, the original command works unmodified.

cscript //h:cscript //s

You can restore the original behavior with:

cscript //h:wscript //s

