I'm kind of feeling nostalgic and want to play on a C64 like I did when I was 10, but I don't have one to hand.
Is there an emulator available?
I'm kind of feeling nostalgic and want to play on a C64 like I did when I was 10, but I don't have one to hand.
Is there an emulator available?
Have you tried CCS64?
Games available from http://www.classic-pc-games.com/c64/games/index.html
You don't mention which platform you're wanting to run it on. Vice is probably your best choice as an open source emulator which handles a number of platforms (including the C64): http://www.viceteam.org/
http://www.viceteam.org/ is a decent emulator. Please ask programming questions though.
There is a thing callec the VersatIle Commodore Emulator (VICE) that will emulate the hardware, but you will have to find ROM images, and have a legal real ROM to use it.
But why? Just buy a real one. They don't cost too much.
If you loved programming the C64, take a look at XGameStation which is a project to get back to the basics...having fun, and I think one will learn a lot (specially those who never had one of the 80' pre-PC computers)
There is also a C64 emulator put in a joystick Direct-to-TV
This is just a proof-of-concept, but there's also a C64 emulator written in Flash. It's pretty useless, but interesting nonetheless: