I got it working just as Drew described, but there is a trap for new users (meaning fresh install, no familiarity with Maven or m2eclipse). You'll get this error:
[ERROR] Error executing Maven.
[ERROR] The specified user settings file does not exist: /home/user/.m2/settings.xml
And the work around is to just make an almost empty settings.xml:
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
(I later found this bug report.)
After that, I was in business. I was even able to export as a WAR file and deploy onto my installation of WebSphere Community Edition. Thank you, Drew!
A little less earlier, I wrote:
Hmph. Never mind. I gave up, shut down my machine, and when I came back, everything worked (except for a minor Maven issue I'm working on). Chalk it up to a bug.
Earlier, I wrote:
I was very excited to hear about STS, so I downloaded and installed it. It went perfectly. This is a new machine, so I have the latest of everything - java 1.6, eclipse 3.5.1, etc.
On step 2 of the above instructions, I get this error:
"The specified JRE installation does not exist"
I've set paths everywhere I can find, so I'm not sure which JRE it's complaining about. Help?