I got a script from the Net that computes the usage of datafiles and transaction log files from a certain SQL Server instance. The script works fine if there is not database name with whitespace or is not too long. However, if the database name has whitespace or is too long, I get the error message "Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Test'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly." In the sample error message, the 'Test' has the full database name of "Test DB" which has a whitespace. Please see the code below:
--Script to calculate information about the Data Files
DECLARE @dbname varchar(50)
declare @string varchar(250)
set @string = ''
create table #datafilestats
( Fileid tinyint,
FileGroup1 tinyint,
TotalExtents1 dec (8, 2),
UsedExtents1 dec (8, 2),
[Name] varchar(50),
[FileName] sysname )
create table #dbstats
( dbname varchar(50),
FileGroupId tinyint,
FileGroupName varchar(25),
TotalSizeinMB dec (8, 2),
UsedSizeinMB dec (8, 2),
FreeSizeinPercent dec (8, 2))
DECLARE dbnames_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases
OPEN dbnames_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM dbnames_cursor INTO @dbname
WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)
set @string = 'use ' + @dbname + ' DBCC SHOWFILESTATS'
insert into #datafilestats exec (@string)
insert into #dbstats (dbname, FileGroupId, TotalSizeinMB, UsedSizeinMB)
select @dbname, FileGroup1, sum(TotalExtents1)*64.0/1024.0,
from #datafilestats group by FileGroup1
set @string = 'use ' + @dbname + ' update #dbstats set FileGroupName =
sysfilegroups.groupname from #dbstats, sysfilegroups where
#dbstats.FileGroupId = sysfilegroups.groupid and #dbstats.dbname =''' +
@dbname + ''''
exec (@string)
update #dbstats set FreeSizeinPercent = (TotalSizeinMB - UsedSizeinMB)/TotalSizeinMB*100 where
dbname = @dbname
truncate table #datafilestats
FETCH NEXT FROM dbnames_cursor INTO @dbname
CLOSE dbnames_cursor
DEALLOCATE dbnames_cursor
drop table #datafilestats
select * from #dbstats
drop table #dbstats
--Script to calculate information about the Transaction Log Files
create table #LogUsageInfo
( db_name varchar(50),
log_size dec (8, 2),
log_used_percent dec (8, 2),
status dec (7, 1) )
insert #LogUsageInfo exec ('dbcc sqlperf(logspace) with no_infomsgs')
select * from #LogUsageInfo
drop table #LogUsageInfo
In my analysis, the error message starts to appear when the line "set @string = 'use ' + @dbname + ' DBCC SHOWFILESTATS'" is reached. I did try to execute the commmand
use Test DB
and I got the same error message I mentioned above. But if I do the command
use [Test DB]
it works fine and i don't get the error message.
My question is is there a way in the script to enclose the variable @dbname with square brackets?