I'm running Django on a server with a dozen or so virtual hosts set up. The first Django site I've put together works great, but I'm about to set up a second. Do I need to run a second fastcgi process?
For the first site I'm running fcgi this way:
/home/django/app1/manage.py runfcgi protocol=fcgi host= port=8081
The nginx config for the domain points to that fcgi process (fastcgi_pass
For the second site, do I need to run another copy of the fcgi, as in one fcgi per site?:
/home/django/app2/manage/py runfcgi protocol=fcgi host= port=8082
And then direct the nginx config to that process (fastcgi_pass
Or is there some way to handle more than one Django site with a single fastcgi? Is there a best practice for setting up a multi-Django server?