Hi everybody, I have question regarding the SQLAlchemy. How can I add into my mapped class the dictionary-like attribute, which maps the string keys into string values and which will be stored in the database (in the same or another table as original mapped object). I want this add support for arbitrary tags of my objects.
I found the following example in SQLAlchemy documentation:
from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import column_mapped_collection, attribute_mapped_collection, mapped_collection
mapper(Item, items_table, properties={
# key by column
'notes': relation(Note, collection_class=column_mapped_collection(notes_table.c.keyword)),
# or named attribute
'notes2': relation(Note, collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('keyword')),
# or any callable
'notes3': relation(Note, collection_class=mapped_collection(lambda entity: entity.a + entity.b))
item = Item()
item.notes['color'] = Note('color', 'blue')
But I want the following behavior:
mapper(Item, items_table, properties={
# key by column
'notes': relation(...),
item = Item()
item.notes['color'] = 'blue'
It is possible in SQLAlchemy?
Thank you