I'm designing an API (in Java) and expect to have users accessing the API from Matlab. The problem is that I want the API to provide a piece of functionality like:
javaApi.waitUntilPredicateIsTrue(Predicate<JavaObj> test);
My API (in the background) gets hold of instances of Java Obj
(via some mechanism, e.g. polling). I want this API method to block until one of these instances, when passed to the Predicate
evaluates to true
. If I was calling this API from Java, I'd do:
javaApi.waitUntilPredicateIsTrue(new Predicate<JavaObj>() {
public boolean evaluate(JavaObj jo) {
return "READY".equals(jo.getState());
You get the idea.
How can this be called from within Matlab? Can I use anonymous inner classes from Matlab? Can I declare a Matlab classdef
which extends the interface Predicate
(can this cope with the Java generic version)?