What are the addresses of some websites that offers random numbers from physical sources? I'm looking both for free services and services that cost money.
I have been using http://www.random.org/, and i like it. Generates random numbers from atmospheric noise, and also is capable of generate:
- coin flips
- dice rolling
- card shuffling
among others, take a look at it.
Many Linux systems have a /dev/random
device built in. That provides random numbers from physical sources.
The random number generator gathers environmental noise from device drivers and other sources into an entropy pool
- Genuine random numbers, generated by radioactive decay.
- HotBits are generated by timing successive pairs of radioactive decays detected by a Geiger-Müller tube interfaced to a computer.
- Once the random bytes are delivered to you, they are immediately discarded—the same data will never be sent to any other user and no records are kept of the data at this or any other site.
Sounds like the Quantum Random Bit Generator may be of use ? It relies on photonic emission in semiconductors and the detection thereof by photoelectric effect.
They supply command line and library/API access via various different platforms/frameworks.
Apparently they use Atmospheric noise to generate they're numbers though I'm not sure if they've published their algorithms.