




A question prompted by jbar's question.

In scripting languages like Python, Ruby, and Perl, there are libraries that simplify generating dynamic HTML. (For example, the cgi module in Ruby.)

Are there any similar packages for C++? I don't know of one, and at least some desultory googling didn't reveal one.

+1  A: 

Cgicc does HTML generation. I've toyed with it once, and it seemed pretty nice.

Harper Shelby
+3  A: 

This was yielded from a google-search:


I don't know anything about it, but their web-page is clean and the introduction sounds like exactly what you're looking for...

Wt (pronounced 'witty') is a C++ library and application server for developing and deploying web applications. It is not a 'framework', which enforces a way of programming, but a library.


In contrast, a web application developed with Wt is written in only one compiled language (C++), from which the library generates the necessary HTML/XHTML, Javascript, CGI, SVG/VML/Canvas and AJAX code.


Something similar was already asked here 9 days ago.

NOt all that similar, seeing as django, symfony, and spring are all frameworks with persistence layers and middle tiers.
Charlie Martin

libapache2-mod-raii is a complete framework with builtin database connexion pools, sessions and all the stuffs that makes developping web applications enjoying !

Guillaume Gimenez