



I have a variable size array of strings, and I am trying to programatically loop through the array and match all the rows in a table where the column "Tags" contains at least one of the strings in the array. Here is some pseudo code:

 IQueryable<Songs> allSongMatches = musicDb.Songs; // all rows in the table

I can easily query this table filtering on a fixed set of strings, like this:

 allSongMatches=allSongMatches.Where(SongsVar => SongsVar.Tags.Contains("foo1") || SongsVar.Tags.Contains("foo2") || SongsVar.Tags.Contains("foo3"));

However, this does not work (I get the following error: "A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression tree")

 allSongMatches = allSongMatches.Where(SongsVar =>
       bool retVal = false;
       foreach(string str in strArray)
         retVal = retVal || SongsVar.Tags.Contains(str);
       return retVal;

Can anybody show me the correct strategy to accomplish this? I am still new to the world of LINQ :-)

+2  A: 

You can use the PredicateBuilder class:

var searchPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Songs>();

foreach(string str in strArray)
   var closureVariable = str; // See the link below for the reason
   searchPredicate = 
     searchPredicate.Or(SongsVar => SongsVar.Tags.Contains(closureVariable));

var allSongMatches = db.Songs.Where(searchPredicate);

Mehrdad Afshari
Thanks Mehrdad, your solution came in record time and worked like a charm!I was unaware of the PredicateBuilder class. What a handy feature! I also appreciate your comment on the use of a temporary variable to hold the strings...that would have driven me nuts!Victor
You're welcome!
Mehrdad Afshari

Either build an Expression<T> yourself, or look at a different route.

Assuming possibleTags is a collection of tags, you can make use of a closure and a join to find matches. This should find any songs with at least one tag in possibleTags:

allSongMatches = allSongMatches.Where(s => (select t from s.Tags
                                            join tt from possibleTags
                                                on t == tt
                                            select t).Count() > 0)
Hey Richard, I appreciate your feedback. For some reason, VS did not like the syntax of the code you I missing something obvious?
Quite possibly has an error... would need a little time to put together data/test harness to confirm. But have added select clause to inner comprehension expression... which is required (oops).