



I have: A list of URLS A list of file names A desired location

I'd like to: Download the item at each URL (they're all mp3s licensed under Creative Commons). Set each one to the appropriate file name. Store them in a specific location. Send the script to a friend who can do the same. It should be a single file that is executable directly without needing to download anything. Have the script delete itself when finished.

I know: C++, C#, some basic bash commands (wget is on my radar, but I don't really know how to use it yet).

I was thinking of writing an Applescript file that uses "do shell script" to call wget, but Applescript seems to be a pretty useless skill (from a job hunting perspective, that is). Is there a way that I could do it as a bash script or one of the other things included in OS X like perl or python and still have the file executed directly? I'd really like to do it in python if possible, since it's a language I want to know. Perl and bash scripting are highly marketable skills, so those are good options too. Basically the important thing is having it as a single downloadable file that someone can just open, that way I can host it in my Dropbox and just send the link out to a couple of friends, all OS X users.