I'm curious about OpenID. While I agree that the idea of unified credentials is great, I have a few reservations. What is to prevent an OpenID provider from going crazy and holding the OpenID accounts they have hostage until you pay $n? If I decide I don't like the provider I'm with this there a way to migrate to a different provider with out losing all my information at various sites?
Edit: I feel like my question is being misunderstood. It has been said that I can simple create a delegation and this is partially true. I can do this if I haven't already created an account at, for example, SO. If I decide to set up my own OpenID provider at some point, there is no way that I can see to move and keep my account information. That is the sort of think I was wondering about.
Second Edit: I see that there is a uservoice about adding this to SO. http://stackoverflow.uservoice.com/pages/general/suggestions/16685