EDIT: Issue solved, answered it below. Lame error. Blah
So I upgraded to Django 1.1 and for the life of me I can't figure out what I'm missing. Here is my traceback:
http://dpaste.com/37391/ - This happens on any page I try to go to.
I've modified my urls.py to include the admin in the new method:
from django.contrib import admin
.... urlpatterns declaration
(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
I've tried fidgeting with paths and the like but nothing fixes my problem and I can't figure it out.
Has something major changed since Django 1.1 alpha -> Django 1.1 beta that I am missing? Apart from the admin I can't see what else is new. Are urls still stored in a urls.py within each app?
Thanks for the help in advance, this is beyond frustrating.