You had asked about components for using Firebird with Delphi. If you are fully committed to both delphi and firebird, I would suggest checking out FibPlus. It's an outgrowth of the original IBX components included with Delphi, reasonably priced, and quite solid. If you aren't, well, you probably ought to be using Delphi.NET with the ADO.Net data provider, which is open source.
In order to use embedded firebird, simply add a database connection to a datamodule, select fbembed.dll as your client library, and have it. For development, it's nicer to develop against a server, however, so I leave the compiled in value as fbclient.dll, and simply deploy with fbembed.dll renamed as fbclient.dll.
It works very nicely, especially after patching the source to allow opening databases across unc paths the way users expect them to. The post above nicely explains the difference between SS, CS and Embedded. Bear also in mind that embedded includes a full client library so you can also use it to connect to a server, allowing a sort of hybrid application.