I am always trumped by this question when starting a new project. When I look at examples like Mephisto, Typo, etc. they route their root to a controller that relates to a specific resource/model.
My problem is, almost every website I've ever built, I feel like my front page is actually a collaboration of all my models, and I can't see myself pointing to a controller that is related to a specific one as my landing page.
Does anyone tend to create a controller that is specifically intended for the front of the website? Or if maybe I am looking at this entirely wrong, please let me know.
Here is where my confusion exists:
rboard's routes maps root to a controller named index... but i can't even find an index controller
mephisto's routes use some custom routing thing, and there is no root or even a map.connect to '/'
radiant's routes for the bulk of the app goes to one controller, which then does some crazy magic
track's routes go to a controller that is related to a resource (this is an example closest to what i described above)... but doesnt fit me because as i said, my roots tend to have tons of things.
spot us actually does something similar to what i do, have a home controller that just has a show actions, and that is my front page.