I was thinking of counting how many times a unique element appears in array.
It may be really inefficient just like the original suggestion but it was fun looking at the problem.
I didn't do any benchmarks on larger arrays so this is just an excercise.
a = [1,1,1,2,4,6,3,3]
dupes = []
a.uniq.each do |u|
c = a.find_all {|e| e == u}.size
dupes << [u, c] unless c == 1
puts dupes.inspect
# dupes = [[1, 3], [3, 2]]
# 1 appears 3 times
# 3 appears twice
# to extract just the elment a bit cleaner
dupes = a.uniq.select do |u|
a.find_all {|e| e == u}.size != 1
puts dupes.inspect
# returns [1,3]