



In my online store, an order is ready to ship if it in the "authorized" state and doesn't already have any associated shipments. Right now I'm doing this:

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many :shipments, :dependent => :destroy

    def self.ready_to_ship
     unshipped_orders =
     Order.all(:conditions => 'state = "authorized"', :include => :shipments).each do |o|
      unshipped_orders << o if o.shipments.empty?

Is there a better way?


One option is to put a shipment_count on Order, where it will be automatically updated with the number of shipments you attach to it. Then you just

Order.all(:conditions => [:state => "authorized", :shipment_count => 0])

Alternatively, you can get your hands dirty with some SQL:

Order.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM
  (SELECT orders.*, count(shipments) AS shipment_count FROM orders 
    LEFT JOIN shipments ON = shipments.order_id 
    WHERE orders.status = 'authorized' GROUP BY 
  AS order WHERE shipment_count = 0")

Test that prior to using it, as SQL isn't exactly my bag, but I think it's close to right. I got it to work for similar arrangements of objects on my production DB, which is MySQL.

Note that if you don't have an index on orders.status I'd strongly advise it!

What the query does: the subquery grabs all the order counts for all orders which are in authorized status. The outer query filters that list down to only the ones which have shipment counts equal to zero.

There's probably another way you could do it, a little counterintuitively:

"SELECT DISTINCT orders.* FROM orders 
  LEFT JOIN shipments ON = shipments.order_id
  WHERE orders.status = 'authorized' AND IS NULL"

Grab all orders which are authorized and don't have an entry in the shipments table ;)

Patrick McKenzie
Your syntax is bogus, should be :conditions => { :state => "authorized", :shipment_count => 0 }... in other words, use a hash, not an array.
Ryan Bigg
+2  A: 

You can also query on the association using the normal find syntax:

Order.find(:all, :include => "shipments", :conditions => ["orders.state = ? AND IS NULL", "authorized"])
Toby Hede
This won't work. Since it's a has_many association, the foreign key is stored in the shipments table.
Horace Loeb
That's why we join on the NULL identifier
Toby Hede
Right, my bad (I suck at SQL). Anyway, this works, except you have to replace "status" with "state" (for my particular case) and add an "and" before "". Make those changes, and I'll mark this the answer.
Horace Loeb